5 Fast Fungible Foods for the Future (No Plastic, No Leftovers)

5 Fast Fungible Foods for the Future (No Plastic, No Leftovers)

In our plastic-addicted society, we’ve become used to the convenience of being able to buy food that will last in our fridge or cupboard for weeks on end. The downside is that all this plastic packaging is taking its toll on the planet, and it’s not sustainable in the long run.
Enter: fungible foods. These are foods that can be stored without packaging, and that won’t go bad if you don’t eat them all in one go. Here are 5 of our favorites.

  1. Fresh fruits and vegetables: Of course, fresh fruits and vegetables are the first place to start. They’re healthy, delicious, and they come in a variety of flavors and textures so you’ll never get bored. Try stocking up on seasonal produce to get the most for your money.
  1. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables: These can be re-hydrated and used in a variety of dishes, and they have a long shelf life without the need for refrigeration or packaging.
  2. Nuts and seeds: These are high in protein and healthy fats, and can be easily stored for long periods of time.
  3. Dried legumes: Beans, lentils, and peas are nutritious and easy to store, and they can be used in a variety of dishes.
  4. Whole grains: Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, and oats are nutritious and have a long shelf life. They can be used as a base for salads, soups, and stews.
  5. Fermented foods: Foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles are not only delicious, but they also have probiotic benefits that can support gut health. They can be easily stored and used as condiments or ingredients in dishes.

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